Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A lot has passed- HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It has been ages since I last posted. In the mean time, a lot has been happenning.  For starters, I turned 25 on the 3rd of November. At midnight on the 2nd of November, my friend Xavier gave me a surprise by dropping by with a lovely cake, and truly made my day! I was so touched... he had been going through a lot- the loss of his grandmother had brought on a lot of unprecedented expenses, yet he thought about me. The next day (on my birthday) my friend Rana invited me for lunch, along with my boyfriend and my mother... and lo! there was Xavier there as well! Currently, for some reason which he would rather not tell me, I am persona non grata for him.

Later that month, Mantosh, shifted to Russia for his MD course in psychiatry. It has been a gruelling few weeks, because for the longest time, there was  no net connectivity! It was HARROWING to say the least. 

Once the net connectivity came, his laptop decided to start malfunctioning. When it rains it pours- but I am very, very thankful for small mercies. At least I get to see him and chat with him online! Phonecalls are getting so goddamned expensive!

December was a trying month on an emotional level. Misunderstandings galore... (the whole Xavier thingy started then and as if that was not enough, there was another to follow it up with Arjun!) and a friend in the hospital... Ryan. Poor boy! He was there for 5 dreadful days on the drip, looking thin and pale. He is back in Bombay now- and actually in San Francisco as I write this. I would have spent a lone Christmas eve, had it not been for this friend of mine dropping by- and we pigged on whiskey and creme de menthe. New Year's eve was more or less as bad- or good. I got inured to it by then.

The new year got off to a good start. Rana took me out for dinner... which was lovely. However, within 4 days disaster struck. It was Sunday morning- at about 8 am, Arjun called and told me there was bad news- our friend Ryan (not the same one mentioned before) had died. I was dumbstruck- 20 years old, happy and healthy, yet dead. Yesterday was his funeral. I did not have the heart to go to the Church service before it- I did not want to see the boy lying still inside a wooden box. Something tore inside me at the graveyard yesterday. I find it hard to phrase it. 

Ryan- you were amazing when you were alive, and your thoughts shall remain evergreen in our hearts. Keep on spreading happiness wherever you are. We all love you!