Friday, May 22, 2009


I smile when:
I smell coffee
I see kittens playing with sunspots
I feel the first drops of rain
I hear a certain person's voice
I feel a certain person's breath
I see strawberries and cream
I taste the same
I eat mangoes
I dream of the same
I see Pickles skipping
I see Lucky bounding
I see Alex's ears outside my window
I catch the sparkle of a gem

I used to smile:
When I used to see Reshmi glare at Tooki
When Tooki used to chase butterflies
When Shona used to check where my lap was and then fall
When Crownie used to cross her paws
When Missy used to go crazy over Barbie Dolls
When Bolai used to make the gooeyest eyes
When I would see my best friend smile
When I would see shots of tequila in front of me

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