Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When I held you in my arms

This is dedicated to all the friends who have come into my life, and for all the people to whom I had or have been friends.... its what I felt for them, and perhaps, what they felt for me, when we parted ways... don't judge it by its literary value, but by its emotion...

I held you tight when you cried,
Your sobbing head on my chest.
I stayed awake watching you sleep
just so I could be sure you rest.
I held your hand when you decided
against your best judgment.
I saw you piecing together fragments
of your life just for the semblance of sanity.
Yet when it came to the point of holding on
the part when two voices become one,
there was none- a silence devastating
hollowing, a phantasma from the past.
No present, no future.
Did we come together for a reason?
Did we love because we wanted to?
Did we deserve what we got in the end?
For the end justifies the journey, they say.
Does it hold true for us?
If so, why does it hurt?
Why does the scar burn, like an open wound?
Why does it feel like it was yesterday
that we parted ways?
Is it so that you can come back and soothe?
No longer shall I brood,
for it is a new 'we' now.
You came, and we became.
But its the past, and I need to let go now,
for the past 'we' is no longer there
and the present 'we' needs space to grow...

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