Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So much has gone by in the last two months that it is difficult to coherently recall everything. Water's flown under the bridge- and the rivers changed almost on a daily basis. From the Ganges to the Damodar, and finally to the Danube.
I am in Hungary, as I write this. Budapest, to be precise. Yes, the visa finally came through. I reached Mumbai, and met up with my sister, my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephew, and a whole lot of friends! It was wonderful! I felt I would really miss everything once I had left the country. It hadn't yet sunk in.
Here I am- 6 days old in the Paris of the East. And I still don't feel it. It is not as if I don't miss everyone and everything. It is overridden by the anticipation of a future- of new adventure awaiting me around every new corner. About being ever so close to Mantosh.
My first leap out of home- and I am not just outside the country, but on a different continent altogether.
Since I arrived, I have been connecting with people. My friend Oliver, his parter Istvan, and their dog, Gustave, have adopted me. Had it not been for their affection and support, perhaps, I would have behaved like a lot of other people- jittering in their intentions, and so on! However, I think I have made a few great friends already!
I am still waiting to get my apartment. Hopefully, it shall be soon. I am sure it wont be anything better than a hovel, but it shall be mine!
The Central European University greeted us with a party of champagne and caviare. Somehow, that did give me the feeling that we were about to be ground into fine caviar-like paste, and canned- and this was merely the taste of the future!
The people at the institute are extremely helpful. I would personally recommend the institute to anyone interested in studying certain disciplines. If you need any help, let me know!
The first day that I was here, I went off with Oliver to check out my new institute, the basilica next to it, and his workplace next to the basilica!
Somehow, I had not expected Budapest to be SO beautiful. Its been a breathtaking experience. I just hope this high continues, and helps me drive through and thrive.
Enough for now- I need to read up for tomorrow, and its a long gruelling day ahead!

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