Thursday, January 15, 2015

Leaving somethings behind

It has been a while since I last wrote anything here. Ever since my mother passed away, so much happened that it became impossible to take a few minutes off for myself.

Most people around me already know of what had been going on, but here goes.
The period 2013-2014 was pretty weird, but not without its triumphs. There were a phenomenal number of deaths right after my mother’s demise in October, 2013. Overall, we lost about a dozen near and dear ones. After a point, if we got the news that someone had passed away, it was like, so, who’s next?

Dad also came down with a second bout of cancer. Most of you already know about how he had cancer of the larynx, for which he lost his voice, and currently has to use an artificial voice box internally installed. However,  despite the initial operation and radiation therapy, he could not start speaking. At first we all thought it was his obstinacy – he wanted a specific device to talk through – and after a point, I gave in, took him to Mumbai and it turned out that there was an obstruction, which stopped him from actually being able to speak.

It turned out to be another bout of cancer – but luckily, it had been diagnosed in the very first stage. For the first time since he was diagnosed initially, he was with a doctor (or a full bunch of them) who he actually trusted, and who did not want him to undergo any procedure in any hospital they were associated with. Within a few weeks we were in Delhi at the BLK hospital for the cyber-knife procedure. It was a five-day procedure, and in another week, Dad was able to talk. We were all overjoyed and incredibly relieved.

In all this, two people played an epic role in supporting me – my sister and my partner.  Dyuti and Caio were absolutely fantastic throughout everything. Beyond them, my cousins and friends were literally formed in a  circle around us – to protect us from everything. Putu, Neha, Boo, Pitush, Kutia, Sonel, Bunty, Hapu, Mummum, Vahista, Rahul, Shaheb, Animitra, Arnie, Abhik, Koeli, Sidharth, Meeta , my entire college gang and many, many others who I might be accidentally leaving out were fantastic. In case any of you ever read this – thanks for being our, and especially mine, rock. Words fail me, but I appreciate each and everyone of you and your presence in my life.

Thank you.

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